Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rain rain go away

With all this rain and cool weather, the only things happy are our garden and our evergrowing lawn as we wait for the lawnmower to be fixed. Today is supposed to be the first day of summer but sure doesn't feel like it.
I guess one good thing coming out of this cool weather is we have been able to get the house pretty much in order. Curtains have been hung, ugly carpet has been ripped up and tiles mopped, pictures are on the walls, and storage boxes are all put away. Take a look below at how the place has come along. I'm sure from the last post you could tell just how much Dave is loving the porch.
Breakfast Nook

Dining Room
Living room shot with picture window
"Extra" Room

Woodstove the merganser was caught in


Porch Shot 1
Porch Shot with apple press and old clothes ringer

Porch with old bookshelf and Michigan Brewer's Guild Sign

Love the stained glass on the stairwell!

A little bit of Lansing art courtesy of Riverview
Office/Runover room upstairs
Our Bedroom

Guest Room
On a lighter note we were able to enjoy this last weekend spending Father's Day in Gladstone, having new parents Craig and Michele LeClaire and little Cale visit our place, and taking Thule for his first trip to Lake Superior along with second trip to the city market. We even found some downstate Michigan wines at Farmer Q's downtown Marquette and enjoyed a Babycakes muffin and Huron Earth Deli sandwich.
Thule & Superior

Little baby Cale

Our weekend was bound to be exciting though after it started off Friday night with a house visitor. Walking through the living room after coming home from work, Dave heard a strange raspy noise coming from the woodstove. After investigating (and Thule barking a lot) we were confident something alive was in there. Using a fishing net to block the door and a camera's flash to better visualize we found a duck in the woodstove! No idea how she fell all the way down the chimney but with a pair of leather gloves Tracy was able to scoop this  merganser out of the stove, clean up a little, and free down by the creek where she flew away. Pretty exciting introduction to U.P. wildlife.

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