Monday, August 6, 2012

A new take on snow fences

Growing up by Lake Michigan snow fences were always a depressing sight. Once they were up, school was starting and beach days were quickly coming to an end as fall and then winter were in the near future. My perspective and appreciation of snow fences has now taken on a whole new perspective. Granted ours aren't construction orange, but two 50 foot Spartan green rolls from Menards have become my best friends this summer.

After battling deer, rabbits, and who knows what other invaders last summer, I was prepared to grow a successful garden. With the help of two important men in my life, the Nyberg garden became a fortress and I am proud and pleased to announce we have been enjoying the fruits of our labor all summer so far!
Check out Dave's handiwork!
Dad and I putting up posts with the fence

I counted tonight on my dinner plate and there were 8 vegetables--corn on the cob, snap peas, beans, yellow onions, green onions, green peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower. 5 of them were homegrown and all from the U.P. Just can't seem to get enough of the fresh produce this time of year has to offer. Now to start canning so we can enjoy some of the harvest in the months to come!

Enjoy the following pictures of some of the veggies--mmmm.


Romaine Lettuce


Sugar Snap Peas

String Beans (tri-color)

